【同义词辨析】 2019-01-15 揭示reveal-betray
reveal: suggests an unveiling of what is not clear to human vision and may apply to a supernatural or inspired revelation(自释,自己解释自己): the belief that divine will is ~ed in the Bible; OR a simple disclosure: an act that ~ed his true nature. (veil面纱头巾掩盖托辞a thin transparent material worn by women to protect or hide face,如a bridal veil新娘的面纱) (unveil揭开油画雕塑牌匾等上的覆盖物、引申为公布推出,如a ceremony to unveil a monument to the victims死难者纪念碑揭幕仪式,Mr. Werner unveiled his new strategy this week本周公布新策略,they will unveil new flagship smartphones at the show他们将在展览会上推出新款旗舰手机)
discover: implies an uncovering of matters kept secret and not previously known: a step-by-step comparison that ~ed a clear case of plagiarism. (cover覆盖物,uncover即揭开覆盖物,还表示发现,因此词意比discover广,如auditors had uncovered evidence of fraud审计人员发现了欺诈证据,此时uncover是discover的意思,词根un表示否定"not",词根dis表示离开"away")
disclose: may also imply a discovering but more often suggests an imparting of information previously kept secret: candidates must ~ their financial assets. (impart告知传授=tell,如the ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers具备传授知识并赢得尊敬的能力是对教师的基本要求)
divulge: implies a disclosure involving some impropriety or breach of confidence: refused to ~ confidential information.
tell: implies an imparting of necessary or useful information: never ~ her that he was married. impart=tell,disclose的注释
betray: implies a divulging that represents a breach of faith OR an involuntary or unconscious disclosure: a blush that ~ed her embarrassment. (voluntary自愿的implies freedom from compulsion,如voluntary enlistment in the armed services自愿参军,involuntary即不由自主无意识的=unconscious)
reveal揭示: 表示揭开难以看清的,既可以指神灵也可指普通揭示,discover发现: 揭开之前保密或不为人知的,disclose透露: 表示告知此前保密的信息,divulge泄露: 表示透露信息的行为不当或背信,tell告知: 指说出必要有用的信息,betray背叛暴露: 可表示背信泄露,也可表示无意识透露
记忆方法: 1)首字母RDDDTB想成3D RoBoT即3D机器人<==揭示未知
2)揭示的意思是使人知道原本隐藏的东西implies to make known what has been or should be concealed.